Town of Brunswick Stormwater Information

Prior to any land clearing or timber harvesting outside of normal tree maintenance, please contact the Building Department or the Water Department first.  The new Town of Brunswick Zoning Ordinance requires permits for any land distrubance outside of normal maintenance and agricultural pracitices, as well as commercial timber harvesting.


The Town of Brunswick is a designated Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems Community (MS4 Community)  Small municipal stormwater sewer systems (MS4s) are communities located within the boundaries of Census Bureau Tracks defined as "urbanized areas".  The Stormwater Management of these urbanized areas are regulated under EPA's Phase II Stormwater Rule. This requires the MS4 Communities to develop a stormwater management program that will reduce the amount of pollutants carried by stormwater during storm events to waterbodies to the "maximum extent practicable". The goal of the program is to improve water quality and recreational use of waterways.

As such the Town is required by Federal and State laws and statues to have in place a program for managing stormwater in the MS4 areas of the Town and by default the whole town for construction related activities.  One key program goal is to educate the public as to the importance of keeping our stormwater clean.  This is a very important consideration since the Town of Brunswick enjoys a wide variety of water resources.  How stormwater is maintained and managed in your own watershed area can impact you directly.  Nearly all homes and business in the Town use wells or the Tomhannock Reservoir for their drinking water.   Increased sediment runoff, or excess use of lawn and garden fertilizers and pesticides or products dumped down your household drains can pollute your source of water you use for recreation or drinking water.  We encourage everyone to be the  steward of your own watershed and keep it clean.

The Town of Brunswick Adopted two local laws in 2007 which establish the legal frame work for the program.  The first law was the Stormwater Management Law No. 5 of 2007 (Link to: Local Law No. 5 2007) and the second was Illicit Discharge Activities Law No. 6 of 2007 (Link to: Local Law No. 6 2007)  Also as part of the MS4 program the Town has a local Stormwater Management Plan addressing the six minimum control measures. The image shows the defined urbanized areas in the Town of Brunswick, but by NYSDEC regulations the Town has stormwater jurisdiction in the whole town for all construciton projects.

INTERACTIVE STORMWATER MAP: BY CLICKING ON THE IMAGE BELOW YOU WILL BE BROUGHT TO THE INTERACTIVE VERSION OF THIS MAP.   The map has variety of layers related to the stormwater program.  You can find stormwater outfalls, stream classifications, wetland information, 2023 tax parcel information, and other pertinent info.

Town of Brunswick MS4 Area


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